Lillian Wood Photography

Let Your Photos Tell The Story

Nature Is My Favorite Movie & Music

Saturday, March 5, 2011





                                             Miggy after surgery on her knee! Yes she has her own couch !


                                                                            Our flower , Miggy Daisy!

Miggy had to have this put on after she had her bandages off and stitches out so that she couldn’t lick the sores from having it covered for so long and the pressure points of the bandage caused .

Photos taken by :  Elaine


West Side of Straight said...

Miggy really is a pretty dog. Bet she doesn't like her pretty blue collar! I remember when our dogs have had to wear them! What a pain!!! for us watching to be sure they don't get at their stitches, and them for having to wear the collars. Sounds like she'll be good as new soon! Have a great weekend!

Christine said...

What a beautiful girl she is; glad she's on the mend and doing well. I love looking at her lovely soulful eyes.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Aww Miggy is a beautiful flower...if the cone bothers her..a bath towel rolled and pinned works well too:)

grammie g said...

Hi is hard having your baby like that. I have been there ...if you could only have them understand why!!
Hope she is her old self soon!!
Cute pictures just the same!!

The Retired One said...

Oh. My. Those eyes. What a sweetheart. I hope she heals soon and can frolic in the spring fields.